Saturday, October 17, 2009

Cosmic Egg

After all these years, Wolfmother FINALLY released a new album and it's so good I died, revived and apparently died again song after song after song. It's soooooo deliciously good, I can't even explain it. Hear it for yourself :) EN KNEE WEEEYYYSSS, me encanta como la gente siempre hace inferencias sobre ti y cuando te empiezan a conocer, se dan cuenta que eres algien totalmente diferente y ellos parecen brutos por portarse con tanta idiotez. Y para que no entiendas lo que de verdad quiero, y he querido decir for tanto tiempo, lo voy a escribir en nahautl PUTA!

atletia ixayak nimitstlasojtla notlasojtlalis, yesej ojpana mati' postektli.

Ajkiuan uejka nika' xtokaitl tlalpantli kanin Moyokoyaniiiiiiiiiii FML I fell so nostalgic. I miss you so much Hidalgoooooo D: And I'm really sore. And tired. And sleepy. Can't do NUTINNNNN!!! Seriously, if by some weird magically magical way you can translate exactly what I just said in dialect, you would know my biggest darkest secret OF ALL TIME. I know you can't figure it out though, English-Nahuatl translators fail. You won't even come close to ever knowing.