Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Aquimamatcayoti (stubborness)

My views of your views. If you were into rock music at one point in your life, you've most likely experienced harassment from hardcore fans who would constantly get on your ass about being a "poser". Let's say you hear a song on the radio once and you like it, you download that song on your iPod and you go crazy singing it 24/7. A fan of that particular song (see, this only works if the song is under any rock genre) will ask you if you know who the artist is and you'll respond. Then, they nail you down about the complete history of that artist and songs from a billion years ago and songs that aren't necessarily popular. You obviously look like a total douche standing there with your WTF face and now you're known as a poser. MORAL OF THE STORY, DON'T CALL YOURSELF A FAN IF YOU'RE NOT REALLY INTO IT OR ELSE HARDCORE FANS WILL SPIT AT YOU AND LABEL YOU.

Although that wasn't the point of the story, it brings me to the point. Today I was talking to my handsomely scrumptious delicacy from above, otherwise known as Alberto Paredes, and he told me I was emo and possessed by demons because I didn't like his "happy music". He loves overplayed pop music that lacks any real meaning or thought. He insinuates that happy music is only music that makes you tap your foot and want to sing along like a little brainwashed idiot. He told me that a "good" rhythmic acoustic guitar and a steady beat changes his mood for the better. Then we had a cute little quarrel about the meaning of music (which wasn't much of a quarrel, it was degrading each other's music taste) and I came to realize that you, my dear Alberto, are just one of those happy-go-lucky-there-is-no-true-meaning-of-life kind of people. I like to go deep into the problem and resolve it, and 99% of the time it works for me. You're one of those people that prefer the simple band-aid that only covers cuts instead of the good ol' hydrogen peroxide that completely heals. That's my conclusion about our differences in music taste (excluding the oldies but goodies that we can't get enough of).
A song that has a relaxing beat to it and a singer that sings like everyone else out there is your definition of a happy song. Mine is the one consisting of a real meaning in lyrics, not one of the artist whose producer wrote the song for them like all pop artists, but one of the beat up soul who writes his songs in the back of an old van or behind a dumpster. The band whose singer is shitty because he has a drug problem; the one that noone helped and had a troubled childhood. The song with lyrics that tell the story of my life. The rhythm that to many expresses anger and demonetization, but to me expresses relief. In the end, to each his own, but as of now, let me understand your perception and don't lie to me if I got it right.
I find happiness in a well written rock song with the heavy guitar riffs, delicious bass licks, thunder-like drums beats and a voice that tells the truth instead of selling you the story of the Littlest Elf who lived happily ever after. The reason why I cringe at your "happy songs" is merely because I've honestly heard it before. I cringe because they're the "artists" who "become" "musicians" just to make money, win false pride and take home fancy trophies. I don't know, that's the way I look at it.

AND DON'T THINK I'M EMO CAUSE I LIKE A GOOD HEAVY SONG, I just happen to find the meaning in it that you obviously don't see.