Thursday, July 2, 2009

You've Been Struck By a Smooth Criminal

So it's been a week since Michael's death, and everyone seems to have gotten over it. Luckily, my era of depression is long gone (well, I got out of it yesterday). During my very long period of nostalgia, I was listening to all my mom's MJ records & cds & shizzzz, and I came across a song I totally forgot existed. Hell yeah it's catchy, hell yes it's amazing, but what I really liked about it were the lyrics. I listened to the song and the second it was over, I felt happy. And then I did pathetic dances that should be illegal.
And speaking of illegal dancing... My brother and I were trying to keep up with the choreography in the "Thriller" video and mannnn... FOORRRRREEAAAAALLLLSSSSSS. We made up stupid names for the moves, and we finally got it down this is so stupid why would anyone do that Jesus help me...

"Why You Wanna Trip On Me" by Michael Jackson (well, it helped
Other jamzz I have to hear at least once a day: "Give In To Me", "In The Closet", "Who Is It", and "Jam", all conveniently found on his album "Dangerous".

Moving on with life...
My mom is letting me go back to being a vegetarian!! WHOOOOOO!!
FOOTBALLLLL!!! (wtf) she says as long as I take my 5435182131861351 pills a day and my injections (for illness purposes) I'm good. BUT MY ASS IS GOING ALL THE WAY, I'M GOING VEGANNNN!!!!

Plus, my doctor is letting me go back to swimming next week :D I NEED TO SWIM, MY BODY CRAVES IT SO BAD.